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CND News and Blog

Identifying Plagiarism Using AI Bots Like ChatGPT

For several months we have been seeing a huge interest in the capabilities of ChatGPT and with a high school teacher in the family, we have looked a little deeper in detecting it's use. At Computer Network Defence Ltd (CND) we will often test the resourcefulness of our new cyber security candidates by asking them to research a topic and d...

  1648 Hits

Defeating Pesky Drones on Superyachts

Drones have presented a problem to superyachts for some time, diminishing the guest experience and impacting the privacy of both guests and crew. The impact of this is debatable and some are more accepting of drone attention than others. Although for some VVIP owners and guests, privacy is precious and they do not want their time with family and fr...

  2207 Hits

IACS Mandate Cyber Security For New Builds

UPDATE 13 July 2022 As part of our research into writing this post, we noticed that IACS UR E26 (below) had been released at exactly the same time as the amendment to IACS Rec 166 Recommendation on Cyber Resilience.   Interestingly, the Rec 166 document was amended to replace mandatory wording such ...

  2391 Hits

Maritime Cyber Security Starts With The Crew, or does it?

Maritime Executive produced an interesting article which references some great work by Marie Larsen from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, around the perception of cyber risk in the maritime domain. I feel that the Maritime Executive title of "Maritime Cyber Security Starts With The Crew" is inappropriate, as the technical co...

  2055 Hits

Is the Future Office or Home-Based?

As things have changed rapidly over the past couple of tumultuous years, we've largely become accustomed to a new style of working. Whether businesses were keen on the idea initially or not, the idea of home working fast became an unavoidable reality for most within the world of cyber security. But now, at the point where office working can once ag...

  4684 Hits

Solarwinds Hack - 1000 Years Ago

All cyber security practitioners will be familiar with that glazed look in the eye of a non IT muggle when you start talking in cyber to them. The same happened when I mentioned the SolarWinds hack yesterday, so I used an analogy based on castles in England 1000 years ago, it went like this: "...King Putinski's greed in stealing the siege weap...

  7438 Hits

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